Does this sound like you...

Your life feels consumed by anxiety. Whether it's general anxiety, health anxiety, panic attacks, OCD, or the terrifying symptoms of depersonalization/derealization, —you can't seem to escape the constant weight of these symptoms and the fear and worry that come with them...

You find yourself overwhelmed by intrusive thoughts and emotions, asking,

“What’s wrong with me?..."

"Why can’t I just be normal?...”

"Am I stuck like this forever?..."

"No one else could be feeling what I’m feeling..."

"Everyone else can recover, but not me, I'm the exception..."

Simple, everyday activities now feel impossible such as going to work or school, driving,

spending time with friends and family.

You long to be present and feel like your carefree self again,

but the symptoms are so overwhelming, you can't enjoy anything.

You've tried everything—acceptance, distraction, CBT, positive affirmations, positive thinking, exercise, slaying it at the gym, ice baths, Wim Hoff breathing, sauna, somatic therapies, diet changes, EMDR, tapping, meditation, breathwork—you name it. Yet, no matter how much effort you pour into "fixing" your anxiety, nothing seems to stick.

And while you've learned to cope with some things, it’s not the freedom you’re craving.

You might even feel like you’re at a plateau.

“I'm not as anxious as before, but I’m still not living the life I want...”

Deep down, you know that true peace, calm, and connection are within reach—and you’re ready to finally experience it,

but you don't know what to do....

What if there was a way to break free from anxiety for good and feel calm and present without wasting another second on exhausting symptom management strategies that never seem to last?

You're ready to fully enjoy life and pursue your goals and dreams, instead of letting anxiety symptoms drain away your time and energy...

  • This feels too good to be true.

  • I’ve tried so many things—what if this is just another disappointment?

But at your core, you know you deserve to feel calm, connected, and normal, that healing is possible, and you're ready to start your journey today.

The Anxiety To Serenity program is the path you've been looking for.

So why choose the

anxiety to serenity community?

Here, you'll experience lasting freedom from anxiety, panic, OCD, & depersonalization/derealization.

Say goodbye to temporary fixes—we’ll tackle the root causes and end your symptoms for good.


  • Bi-Weekly Anxiety To Serenity Mastery coaching sessions on Zoom: Be guided into feeling calm, connected, and normal again step-by-step by Coach Jordan Hardgrave.

  • Every single question you could ever ask: General anxiety and panic attacks, health anxiety, depersonalization, derealization, trauma, existential OCD, contamination OCD, harm OCD, symmetry OCD, religious OCD, relationship OCD, pure O, phobias, depression, sleep, and countless other topics, they're all covered.

  • Non-judgmental supportive community: You'll be surrounded by people who finally understand what you're going through and can provide encouragement.

A Few Words About coach Jordan Hardgrave

  • Symptom free after experiencing debilitating anxiety (15 years), panic (20 panic attacks a day for a year), OCD (15 years), and DPDR (2 years 24/7 and 5 years off and on).

  • NACBT certified Life coach, Certified Trauma and Resiliency Life Coach, Certified Trauma Support Specialist, EFT certified, NLP certified.

  • Worked with well over 5,000 anxiety, OCD, and DPDR sufferers.

  • Directly trained by world leading anxiety and trauma experts.

  • Featured in: Forbes, Fox News, CBS & NBC & Over 300,000 social media followers.

  • Clients often include anyone from doctors, nurses, police officers, therapists, psychiatrists, attorneys, CEOs of fortune 500 companies, military, celebrities, to stay at home mom’s & college students. (including a royal guard)

  • Often times told by people I am their “last hope” for becoming symptom free followed by "You saved my life".

© 2024 Jordan Hardgrave - All Rights Reserved,
