Rise Renew IS a continuous, collaborative, empowering depersonalization/derealization

& anxiety healing community that you simply won't find anywhere else on the globe.

A course isn't capable of...

The Rise Renew Recovery Community harnesses the power of both self regulation and co-regulation.


Self Regulation: Your Body's Super Power

Self regulation is the art and science of staying in a calm body. It's extremely simple in concept, but can be difficult in execution. Once you learn how to self regulate, you will begin to rewire your anxious brain to remain in your ventral vagal system (calm part of your nervous system) vs. your sympathetic (anxiety and panic) or dorsal vagal systems (trauma and depersonalization/derealization). With my S5 method, I will teach you everything I have learned about self regulation after practicing it for many years as well as working with over 5,000 symptom suffers and teaching them as well.


Co-Regulation: Humans Heal Humans

The endless search for the magical method that will heal trauma, depersonalization, derealization, and anxiety will remain just that—and endless search. You do need a body based strategy since the body is so deeply effected during stress and trauma. However, we now know from the field of neuroscience that humans heal humans. This is known as co-regulation, the ability to make others feel safe and calm. In Rise Renew, you will receive co-regulation from someone who has been in your exact shoes and can create a sense of hope even when you feel hopeless. This will help you heal much faster.

Praise for

Jordan Hardgrave's Rise renew Membership™

  • Ricky

  • Nicole

  • Brooke

  • Yesenia

  • Jan

  • Adrienne


  • The S5 Method Masterclass

  • Bi-Weekly Zoom Q&A Calls W/ Rise Renew Members

  • New Recovery Training Unlocked Each Month

  • Priority Enrollment + Discount For Rise Unlimited™ Mentorship

WHAT IS THE S5 Method?

  • Scientific Education: Why You’re Stuck In Your Symptoms & How To Get Unstuck

  • Somatic Integration: The Exciting Journey Back Into Your Body

  • Self Regulation: The Secret To Living Stress-Free

  • Systematic Desensitization: The Doorway To Enjoying Life Again

  • Self Transformation: The Key That Unlocks Post Traumatic Growth 

"The S5 method is the culmination of working with over 5,000 symptom sufferers and seeing what worked and didn't work. I left out all the fluff. These are the 5 phases you must go through to ensure long-term recovery. The S5 Method is a body-focused recovery strategy based on neuroscience that floods your nervous system with signals of safety. This allows you to exit states of survival and enter a ventral vagal state of safety."

WHAT IS THE S5 Method?

  • Scientific Education: Why You’re Stuck In Your Symptoms & How To Get Unstuck

  • Somatic Integration: The Exciting Journey Back Into Your Body

  • Self Regulation: The Secret To Living Stress-Free

  • Systematic Desensitization: The Doorway To Enjoying Life Again

  • Self Transformation: The Key That Unlocks Post Traumatic Growth 

"The S5 method is the culmination of working with over 5,000 symptom sufferers and seeing what worked and didn't work. There is zero fluff. I tell you exactly what to do, and what not to do in order to rewire your nervous system to become symptom free. The S5 Method is a body-focused recovery strategy based on neuroscience that floods your nervous system with signals of safety. This allows you to exit states of survival and enter a ventral vagal state of safety."

-Jordan Hardgrave

A Few Words About coach Jordan Hardgrave

  • Symptom free after experiencing debilitating trauma, anxiety, & panic attacks for over a decade.

  • Full time certified trauma and resiliency life coach who has worked with over 5,000 trauma sufferers.

  • Directly trained by world leading trauma experts.

  • Featured in: Forbes, Fox News, CBS & NBC & Over 280,000 social media followers.

  • Clients have included doctors, nurses, police officers, therapists, psychiatrists, attorneys, CEOs of fortune 500 companies, military, celebrities, to stay at home mom’s & college students. (including a royal guard)

  • Specialize in helping heal from trauma who have been through the mental health and medical system as well as have tried many popular methods with little to no success.

  • Often times told by people I am their “last hope” for becoming symptom free followed by "You saved my life".

© 2024 Jordan Hardgrave - All Rights Reserved,

